Organization (Recruiting Members)

Here you will find information on efforts by the Committee to Make Amanohashidate a World Heritage Site to recruit new members and collect personal messages, as well as an overview of the Committee to Make Amanohashidate a World Heritage Site (by-laws, affiliated groups, etc.).
5,000 Individual Members Achieved
Thank you all very much for your heartfelt support.
In August, 2013, our number of individual members passed 5,000. Our thanks to everyone who helped us to recruit members.
This is the halfway point toward our goal of 10,000.
We will approach our activities to make Amanohashidate a World Heritage site with renewed enthusiasm.
We hope to have your continued support.
Working toward 10,000 members! Please participate and give your support!
Member Recruitment Leaflet (PDF: Japanese)
Collecting Personal Messages
The committee is collecting short personal messages.
Please add your message in the comments field of your member application form and send it us.
We will present some of the messages we receive on our homepage.
Previously received messages (PDF:Japanese)
About the Committee
The Committee to Make Amanohashidate a World Heritage Site
December 27, 2007
In order to conserve the area centered on the Japanese national treasure Amanohasidate and pass it on to future generations, while increasing its appeal as the pride of the region, our goal is to have it designated as a World Heritage Site, and thereby contribute to the development of the local community.
Amanohashidate Proclamation (PDF:Japanese)
At HAND in HAND Amanohashidate on June 21st, 2009, the committee chairman made a proclamation on passing on Amanohashidate to future generations. (The mayors of Miyazu, Ine, and Yosano signed the proclamation as representatives of the local residents.)
Kazuo Imai (Miyazu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President)
Founding Affiliate Groups
The Committee to Preserve Amanohashidate, Miyazu Junior Chamber, Miyazu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yosano Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Amanohashidate Tourism Association, Ine Tourism Association, Yosano Tourism Association, Miyazu Local Government Conference, Yosano Ward Leader Coordinating Committee
Member Organizations (as of December 10, 2013)
- Shunsai Surumeya (Ueno Kanko Bussan)
- Sanyo Shoji Co., Ltd.
- Torikane Shoten
- Moto-Ise Kono Shrine Office
- Amanohashidate Monju Haneikai
- Takaoka Zouen Co., Ltd.
- Tango Kairiku Kotsu Co., Ltd.
- Rikkyo Kouseikai Maizuru Church Miyazu, Kana Branch
- Miyazu Lion's Club
- Kyoto Hokuto Shinkin Bank
- Miyazu no Furusato wo Aisuru Tomo no Kai
- Iwataki Driving School
- Chion-ji Temple
- Kyoto Bank Miyazu Branch
- Amino Driving School
- Japan Maintenance Engineering Co., Ltd. Miyazu Office
- Miyazu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Kyotan Godo Unyu Co., Ltd.
- Kyotan Jidosha Seibi Co., Ltd.
- City Hotel Mineyama
- Hotel Amanohashidatesou
- Hotel Tango
- Kyotan Kanko Bus Co., Ltd.
* The names of those who do not wish to be released publically are omitted.
See list of executives (as of the start of 2013 / PDF: Japanese)
Kyoto Prefecture, Miyazu, Ine, Yosano
Miyazu City General Planning Office
The Committee to Make Amanohashidate a World Heritage Site By-laws(PDF: Japanese)
Project Plans Achievement Reports
- 2007 Project Achievements (PDF: Japanese)
- 2008 Project Achievements (PDF: Japanese)
- 2009 Project Achievements (PDF: Japanese)
- 2010 Project Achievements (PDF: Japanese)
- 2011 Project Achievements (PDF: Japanese)
- 2012 Project Achievements (PDF: Japanese)
- 2013 Project Achievements (PDF: Japanese)
Budget/Balance Sheets
- 2007 Balance Sheet (PDF: Japanese)
- 2008 Balance Sheet (PDF: Japanese)
- 2009 Balance Sheet (PDF: Japanese)
- 2010 Balance Sheet (PDF: Japanese)
- 2011 Balance Sheet (PDF: Japanese)
- 2012 Balance Sheet (PDF: Japanese)
- 2013 Balance Sheet (PDF: Japanese)