
Amanohashidate World Heritage Symposium to be held in 2013.

The Amanohashidate World Heritage Symposium will be held to stimulate our activities for Amanohashidate to become a World Heritage Site. We will invite speakers who were involved in developing the local area of Mt. Fuji in preparation for its designation as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 2013. We hope you can join us. Date... Read More

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Plastic file folder with Amanohashidate and local mascots now available!

To spread public awareness of our activities to have Amanohashidate become a World Heritage Site, we make PR goods. The latest is a plastic file folder called "Amanohashidate x Yuru-kyara Clear File." It's really cute with the images of three local mascots: Nami-chan from Miyazu, Mamekkomai-chan from Yosano, and Funa-yan from Ine. We will give... Read More

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Kyoto Travel Photo Exhibition (sponsored by Bank of Kyoto)

The "Four Seasons of Amanohashidate" photo exhibition is traveling to about 100 branches of the Bank of Kyoto from April 2013 to March 2014. The exhibition will be in each bank's lobby for about two months. Hope you can see it. Contact Phone: 0772-45-1601, The Committee to Make Amanohashidate a World Heritage Site

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Art Contest: "Like! Amanohashidate Matsunamiki Museum"

Enter your paintings, drawings, or photos of Amanohashidate. Winners will receive great prizes!Express your thoughts and feelings about Amanohashidate through your art. Submitted works will be posted on our Facebook page: "Like! Amanohashidate Matsunamiki Museum" Submission Period:April 26th–August 30th, 2013 Categories:1. Paintings (including prints made with woodblocks, etc.)2. Photographs3. Juvenile Works (elementary school and younger... Read More

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Amanohashidate PR buttons! "Aim for World Heritage!"

We made PR buttons to help promote the designation of Amanohashidate as a World Heritage Site. We would be happy if you wear this button. Corporate members and individual members belonging to organizations can contact us to request buttons. We will send you the requested number of buttons. *Due to a limited quantity, apologies for... Read More

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Giant mural of "Amanohashidate-zu" on parking structure

A giant reproduction of Buddhist priest and painter Sesshu's famous painting (National Treasure) called "Amanohashidate-zu" was made by about 150 local residents. On October 21, 2012, the reproduction was mounted on the east side of the Parking Hamamachi parking structure in Miyazu. The mural is 5.2 meters high and 9.76 meters wide. It is a... Read More

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Closing Event of the Celebrations of the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage ConventionThe Kyoto Vision

 At the closing event of this convention held during November 6th–8th, 2012, at the Kyoto International Conference Hall, the Kyoto Vision was announced. The Kyoto Vision, in English, stressed the importance of the local community's role in preserving World Heritage Sites and encouraged the local population's participation. The Kyoto Vision's "Call for Action" included the... Read More

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Miyazu-Amanohashidate moped license plates!

Miyazu will start issuing localized moped license plates on December 5, 2012. If you live in Miyazu and have a moped (motor scooter), we encourage you to replace your license plates with the Miyazu-Amanohashidate plates to help promote Amanohashidate. The license plate includes the words "Nihon Sankei Amanohashidate Miyazu" and color artwork depicting Amanohashidate. Replacing... Read More

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Amanohashidate World Heritage DVD and brochure published

We have published the Amanohashidate World Heritage DVD and brochure (revised). (Produced by Kyoto Prefecture.) The DVD is 15 minutes long and available in Japanese and English.The brochure is available in Japanese, English, Chinese, and French. The DVD will be shown at events and gatherings and the brochure will also be passed out at events.... Read More

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